The Minister’s Special Licence (MSL) Grants are a great success story of our province, having dedicated millions of dollars back into supporting the conservation of Alberta’s fish and wildlife resources over their lifetime. Various organizations have dedicated their time and resources to the administration of the special licences.

The Alberta Professional Outfitters Society (APOS) became the administrator for the auction licences in 2022, with the resident draws remaining under an organization selected by the Minister. (For more on the Alberta resident MSL draws, please visit mywildalberta.ca. The grants issued through the funds generated from the MSL draws are administered by the Alberta Conservation Association (ACA) - more information is available on their website at www.ab-conservation.com/grants-programs/msl-grants/overview/)


Funds generated through the auctioned special licences are distributed through Minister’s Special Licence Auction (MSLA) Grants, which are reviewed and decided by a process which is led by a multi-stakeholder committee consisting of representatives of the Alberta Conservation Association (ACA), Alberta Wildlife Federation (AWF), Alberta Hunter Education Instructors Association (AHEIA), APOS, Alberta Trappers Association (ATA), SCI Canada, Wild Sheep Foundation of Alberta (WSFAB), as well as Indigenous and post-secondary representatives.

The Grants Adjudication Committee is seeking applications for large, meaningful wildlife stewardship projects that will help have a positive long-term impact on Alberta’s wildlife resources, helping sustain and enhance populations and their habitats.  Multi-year funding commitments may be possible through the MSLA.

Camps, hunter training, and community-oriented projects are no longer eligible under the MSLA. To continue community-oriented work previously supported under the MSLA, 5% of the annual net proceeds of the MSLA will be dedicated to the Alberta Conservation Association (ACA)’s Conservation, Community, Education Grants to support non-research projects relating to outdoor education and other conservation activities that benefit Alberta’s wildlife, fish, and their habitats.

For a list and description of the 2024 MSLA Grants funding recipients, click here.


The 2024-25 MSLA Grant Application deadline has passed. The 2025-26 application forms will be available shortly. The deadline will be January 31, 2025, and decisions will be rendered by the Grants Adjudication Committe in April of 2025.

You are welcome to submit an inquiry about the MSLA at any time. If you have questions, please call 780-414-0249 or email grants@apos.ab.ca.